About CFSPh

Clay Friends Society Philippines was founded on mid-January 2011. It was all started on Facebook Group and several days and months, it continues to grow and span the numbers of people and become a CFSPh Members.

We CFSPh, was built and established to create a group of people so called 'Clay Artist' or 'Enthusiast' in the Philippines.

Who are we?

We are group of Filipino that has same passion when it comes to Art Industry, such as making hand-made design using Polymer Clay and Air Dry Clay. A Proud Clay Artisan, serving our own country, the Pilipinas. 

Why we named it Clay Friends Society Philippines?

Of course, the real main star of our guild, the word 'CLAY'. Yes it's all about clay, any clay that attract us as an Artist, like our main ingredients, 'Polymer Clay' and ' Air Dry Clay' or any kind of clay, without the clay, we can't make a bizarre hand-made creations.

What is Polymer Clay? 

Polymer clay is a manmade material that can play with your own hand, with your own design and ideas. A material that needs to bake for a period of time, depends on oven temperature and time meter as well. You can sculpt it, roll, carve it, paint it, and can also you can accessorize it, make a dolls, figurines, or use it to other embellishment.

What is Air Dry Clay?

Well, the advantage on using an Air Dry Clay is you don't need to have an oven to bake it, all you need to do is to wait them to be cure. And it's more soft rather than the polymer clay, but still you can also make anything you wanted to design. 

Why Friends?

One of the important word in our Society, is Friends or Friendship. We build this CFSPh, not only to make or re-make a design, o shows what we have, but also to build a strong bond and lasting camaraderie. Friendship is a golden tool for building a group or organization, because friendship is also a bridge for a better way of communication plus the understanding feelings towards your people or co-artists. 

Why Society? 

Society is also a another term for guild, organization, community, association or a group of people related to each other through persistent relations or with same activities and passion. 

We CFSPh, encourage Filipino Clay Artists to be part of our guild to help and share what we have to be shared and taught, to learn something by guiding them to the wonderful World of Clay.